Marketing Jeanette Clement Marketing Jeanette Clement

Why Should You Create a Buyer Persona?

Effective marketing requires being selective in who you target and understanding their needs, wants, and pain points.

Your target audience isn’t a homogenous group of people a checklist (or #chatGPT) can define. Thankfully there are techniques you can use to narrow your focus to the people who most need your product or service - and we’re here to help you discover how to find them!

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Small Business Michelle Cortese Small Business Michelle Cortese

What Do We Mean by Authenticity?

The word authenticity gets thrown around so much that it’s almost starting to sound…inauthentic.

What on earth does it mean to be authentic in business? And why is it so flipping important? Stay tuned - we’re going to give you a little peek behind the curtain at what authenticity means at Clement Consulting!

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Small Business Michelle Cortese Small Business Michelle Cortese

Why You Should Write a Business Plan

A business plan helps you outline exactly how your business will operate. Market research, developing a strong brand identity, and discovering the most effective pricing for your business can all be accomplished in the process of writing that crucial document.

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Small Business Jeanette Clement Small Business Jeanette Clement

How is Your Customer Experience?

If you’re in business, it should be a no-brainer that good customer service is a priority. It's how you build that loyal customer following!

Knowing that it should be a priority, and knowing how to make it a priority, are two different beasts.

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Small Business Jeanette Clement Small Business Jeanette Clement

Social Media Boosts Small Business

Social media and SEO got together like two peas in a pod. A robust social media presence can improve your search engine ranking. Somewhere in the ethers, algorithms decide where you land on the search results page. When your social media share rate increases, your search engine ranking is improved.

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Branding Jeanette Clement Branding Jeanette Clement

What Is Branding Identity?

Branding is much more than a catchy logo and pleasing color palette. Your business’s brand IS its identity. Consistency is vital when developing your brand. A strong brand identity helps you build customer relationships and better visibility for your business.

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Jeanette Clement Jeanette Clement

How to Brand Your Business on a Budget

Have you ever noticed how the word "brand" is used a lot?

We hear it everyday but as a small business owner you may be wondering, how do I actually build my business brand?

Building your brand is a key part of developing your business. It's your opportunity to share with the world your organization's voice, identity, values, and build awareness among potential customers.

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Special events Jeanette Clement Special events Jeanette Clement

What Are the Benefits of Event Marketing

Event marketing generates business leads and relationships which mean sales.

The number of folks an event touches and by extension your brand is amazing once you start thinking about it. Your vendors, sponsors, partners and the registration process alone generates a list of people who are already interested in your product, industry, or at least fall in your target demographic. If you’re participating in or sponsoring an event as opposed to hosting it is easy to collect leads through a giveaway, raffle or simple email list.

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Small Business Jeanette Clement Small Business Jeanette Clement

You NEED a Company Blog

Yes, your business NEEDS a blog. Like now.

here has ever tried their hand at blogging? How did it go? Did you know it is a crucial piece of your marketing strategy?

Let me repeat that again, blogging is a key step of your marketing. It helps you reach the RIGHT customers at the RIGHT time by creating the content that matches what they're searching for.

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Special Events Jeanette Clement Special Events Jeanette Clement

What is Event Marketing?

So you have an amazing event idea for your organization, super cool. Now how are you going to actually get folks there? Ever heard of event marketing?

That’s where event marketing comes in and at Clement Consulting we got you!

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