What Are the Benefits of Event Marketing

Event marketing helps companies be successful. Period, full stop. 

But how do they get results? 

Why should you invest in this strategy for your business?

Follow along over the next few posts to learn ALL the things!

Woman working in urban cafe with laptop

Event marketing generates business leads and relationships which mean sales. 

The number of folks an event touches and by extension your brand is amazing once you start thinking about it. Your vendors, sponsors, partners and the registration process alone generates a list of people who are already interested in your product, industry, or at least fall in your target demographic. If you’re participating in or sponsoring an event as opposed to hosting it is easy to collect leads through a giveaway, raffle or simple email list.

I recently attended @Waltons Inc Steak Cook-Off. It was a fantastic event! For those of you unfamiliar with Walton's, their business centers around the processing and handling of meat. Think of them as your go-to supplier for everything from BBQ rubs to sausage casing. They literally live up to their slogan of “everything but the meat!”

At the event not only were they running a @Steak Cook Off Association competition but also hosting outdoor groups like @Pheasants Forever and @Outdoor Mentors along with vendors of products they carry in their retail store like @PK grills. It was brilliant! Not only were they connecting with thousands of folks who attended but they also were building relationships with their vendors.

Beautiful flower arrangement on table at formal event

Event marketing gives you the opportunity to meet your customers face to face.

Lots of today’s businesses have moved to virtual offices and may never get to meet their customers or clients in person. That’s where event marketing is beneficial.

Engaging customers and potential customers at events initiates personal connections. These personal, one-on-one interactions build brand loyalty and help customers connect face to name and separates your brand from the sea of competitors. Events also provide a reprieve from the distractions of the daily grind — meaning you can grasp a customer's attention better than over a phone call or Facebook ad. 

Event marketing builds brand awareness.

Hosting or participating in events is a key way for companies to establish and grow their brand. 

Event marketing allows you to associate a physical person, value system and product with an otherwise digital brand. Events provide a truly immersive experience in which consumers and customers can get a real feel for your brand and what it looks like in person.


The best part about using events to build brand awareness?

People LOVE to talk about events!

Consumers, customers, media, bystanders and influencers talk about events in person, on social media, in the press … you name it! Making events a fantastic way to educate and desire your brand and products.

Event marketing is an opportunity to teach,
not preach and help your audience learn
why you are so dang good at your job!

Regardless of what type of event your company hosts or participates in, ensuring there is an educational component is key. 

Focusing on educating and entertaining creates a positive correlation between your brand and the experience that your potential customers associate with it. When folks learn something new AND have a great time they are ten times more likely to buy all that goodness you are selling.


Fanned out cell phones with client Instagram grids shown

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