Small Business Jeanette Clement Small Business Jeanette Clement

Social Media Boosts Small Business

Social media and SEO got together like two peas in a pod. A robust social media presence can improve your search engine ranking. Somewhere in the ethers, algorithms decide where you land on the search results page. When your social media share rate increases, your search engine ranking is improved.

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Social Media Jeanette Clement Social Media Jeanette Clement

Our Favorite Facebook Live Ideas

Facebook Live is a fantastic way to get noticed and introduce who you are, what you do, and why your target audience needs you. Try any of these tactics for a surefire way to draw attention - and clients - to your business.

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Small Business Jeanette Clement Small Business Jeanette Clement

You NEED a Company Blog

Yes, your business NEEDS a blog. Like now.

here has ever tried their hand at blogging? How did it go? Did you know it is a crucial piece of your marketing strategy?

Let me repeat that again, blogging is a key step of your marketing. It helps you reach the RIGHT customers at the RIGHT time by creating the content that matches what they're searching for.

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Social Media Jeanette Clement Social Media Jeanette Clement

How to Run a Facebook Giveaway

Are you thinking about running a contest or giveaway on Facebook? It’s a great idea!

80% of contest shares are done on Facebook and on average, 35% of new followers are acquired during a contest.Social media contests and giveaways are a phenomenal way to engage your audience and acquire followers. So why wouldn’t you run it?!

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