How to Run a Facebook Giveaway

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Are you thinking about running a contest or giveaway on Facebook? It’s a great idea!

80% of contest shares are done on Facebook and on average, 35% of new followers are acquired during a contest.

Social media contests and giveaways are a phenomenal way to engage your audience and acquire followers. So why wouldn’t you run it?!

Well, because it is a lot of work. Over the next few posts we will go over the rules facebook has around contests and how to hold on effectively. 

According to Facebook, if you run a Facebook giveaway, you must include the official rules, offer terms and eligibility requirements including age and location restrictions, and obtain registration and necessary regulatory approvals if they are applicable. 

You will also need to include in the post a complete release of Facebook by each entrant and acknowledgment that the giveaway is in no way sponsored, endorsed, or administered by Facebook.

Two women in coworking space with pink wallpaper

So where the heck can you run a Facebook giveaway? 

You have options! Pages, Groups, Events and/or within apps are all up for grabs. But your personal Facebook page is not  a place to run a giveaway. 

You also can't use personal friend connections as a part of the giveaway, meaning you can't have people share on their timeline to enter or share on a friend's timeline, or tag friends in the post to enter. 

I know, I know you see this happen on other pages BUT they are not compliant and we follow the rules around these parts, right?!

So how do you even execute a kick ass giveaway on Facebook? Easy peasey!

  1. Set your objectives.

  2. Choose a prize that makes sense for your target audience.

  3. Write the rules.

  4. Create your assets.

  5. Promote, promote, promote.

  6. Measure success.


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