Our Favorite Facebook Live Ideas

Facebook Live is a fantastic way to get noticed and introduce who you are, what you do, and why your target audience needs you. 

The first step to any successful marketing campaign is determining your target audience and where they are most likely to interact with your marketing efforts. 


Different demographic groups tend to gravitate toward various social media platforms.

If you’ve determined that your perfect client frequently uses Facebook, Facebook Live may be just what you need to get noticed. 

Next, decide what information you’d like to present to the world. 

Do you offer a top-tier service in a niche industry that many people may need but not know exists? Or maybe you have a product that will save valuable time and effort for your busiest clients. Take the time to decide precisely what you want your people to know about your business.

How you deliver that information is just as important as the information itself. 

Long gone are the days of stodgy, stiff infomercials. Creative marketers know how to entice people to their brands with interactive, value-packed, authentic offerings rather than “salesy.” 


Try any of these tactics for a surefire way to draw attention - and clients - to your business.

Teaching a free class shows your audience you have something they want.

Making a big announcement builds anticipation (make sure to tease your live ahead of time!)

Hosting a roundtable discussion presents different viewpoints and gets your audience involved.

Raising money for a cause important to you says a lot about your business’s ethos.


We’re here to help you find your audience and ensure they know how much they need you!

Give us a call or send an email to info@consultclement.com to find out how we do things.



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