Your Secret Weapon? Your Customers!

Small business owner working on ipad in salon

Do you customers adore you?

We are in the thrall of the fourth quarter and our customers are the center of the universe, but are you theirs? 

Think about it, without your customers, you would have no business. Whether you are B2B or B2C at the end of the day your customers are the folks that keep your business in business. I know that I for one am EXTREMELY grateful for the amazing folks Clement Consulting works with everyday.  

Beyond sales your customers have a boat load of value. 

They make you a better entrepreneur.


Your customers will give you the compass, hiking boots and map to make them happy.

All it takes is engaging in customer reviews and feedback. Ask for reviews, comment on the posts they tag you in, respond to problems with REAL solutions.

Are you building a relationship
or just going after the next sale?

Building life-long, loyal fans of your brand is a slow game but one that if achieved pays off ten fold. Just ask big brands like Patagonia or Subaru. It is more cost effective for you as a business to keep a current customer than acquire a new one. This could be as easy as posting helpful and regular information on Instagram or sponsoring an event important to your target audience. 

Are you stuck in the weeds? Ask your customers for help!

Not sure if you should do a gift with purchase or a discount? Or if you should expand features and services? Just ask your customers! You can get the lowdown on what they want in your products and share their dream features. Not only are you learning what your target audience wants but you can gauge and plan expansions and roll outs for the future. 


How many of us check Google and Facebook reviews before we work with someone new or buy that vacuum? 

When your customers gush about you online, it’s REALLY good for business. Whether they review you on Yelp positively, post a review on Google, or write up your product on their blog, it’s all marketing magic.

Many of us are in it to make the world a better place. 

When you solve a problem you inevitably create happy customers. It’s not world peace or the cure to illness but you are making a difference in someone's life. You are reducing their overwhelm and removing a roadblock to their success. When businesses look at the services they offer and tailor those to their customers, everyone wins. 


How are you loving on your customers this holiday season? 

Make sure you are taking care of the folks who allow your business to soar! Check in on them just to see how they’re doing. Offer exclusive sales. Send a holiday card (via snail mail). Send them a small gift. 

By investing some love and kindness into your customers you truly are making the world and business a better place. 


Fanned out cell phones with client Instagram grids shown

Are you looking for personalized support?

We specialize in just that!

Give us a call or shoot us a DM, we got you! 

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