What the Heck Is Digital Marketing and Why Does My Business Need It?

Man laughing looking at phone in office

What the heck is digital marketing and why does my business need it?

With over 20 years in the communications field I’ve seen the rise of the digital landscape. 

Traditional marketing isn’t dead and there are industries that still NEED to exist in print, phone communication or through other physical marketing pieces. It is a thing and can be very effective. However, digital marketing is quickly taking over the marketing needs of most businesses as it can occur electronically and online and at a fraction of the traditional cost. The logic is simple, there are far more possibilities for brands to reach customers, including email, video, social media, and search engines and the ROI blows traditional marketing efforts out of the water. 

Every other brand has a website, including your competition. If they don't, they at least have a social media presence or digital ad strategy. Now one can argue whether that strategy is optimized and actually converting to sales but at the end of the day it is present. That is why every business NEEDS to be upping their marketing presence online.

Digital content and marketing is so common that consumers now expect and rely on it as a way to learn about brands.

Small business florist looking at iphone at work

Any business savvy leader can see the writing on the wall. Digital marketing is a no brainer move.

When 72% of potential customers look for “social proof” before engaging with your company it is vital for your business and brand awareness. 


Long story short, to be competitive as a business owner, you'll need to embrace some aspects of digital marketing.

What that looks like can completely be up to you and what works best for your business. Maybe it is a blend of traditional marketing and digital, maybe you go all in. What is most important at the end of the day is that you exist and engage with your customers online in some capacity.

Because digital marketing has so many options and strategies associated with it, it is completely possible to get creative and experiment with a variety of tactics and platforms on any budget. This is the biggest upside to investing a little time and budget into building out your website, social media, email marketing and more. The digital world is literally your oyster.

Are you ready to create a place for your customers to connect with you no matter where they are in the world?

To expand the relationship you have so carefully cultivated in person and become an easy choice for those looking for your services? Then we are here to help. Reach out to Clement Consulting and let’s talk about your goals and how to tell the world just how amazing your business is!


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We specialize in just that!

Give us a call or shoot us a DM, we got you! 

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