What Do Digital Marketers Do?

Person scrolling through Instagram

I’m glad you asked!

We drive brand awareness and lead generation through digital channels. These can include social media, the company's website, search engine optimization (SEO), email, display advertising, the company's blog and a few more.

We usually focus on different key performance indicators (KPI) for each channel so we can measure a company's performance across each one. A digital marketer who's in charge of SEO, for example, measures their website's organic traffic (traffic coming from website visitors who found a page of the business's website via a Google search).

Marketing is divided up and organized differently in every company.

In small companies, one generalist might own many of the digital marketing tactics described above at the same time. In larger companies, these tactics might have multiple specialists that each focus on just one or two of the brand's digital channels.

Founder Jeanette Clement

If you want the benefit of an expert in digital marketing working with Clement Consulting might just be the perfect fit!

Give us a call today and let us help you achieve your marketing goals.


What are some of the titles or specialities of digital marketers?

Let’s break it down!


SEO Manager

Main KPIs: Feed the Google monster and gain organic traffic

In short, SEO managers are in charge of feeding the Google monster. They use a variety of approaches to maximize the search engine optimization of websites, blog content and social. Ideally, this person works directly with content creators to ensure the copy they produce performs well on Google and excels your SEO goals.

Social Media Manager

Main KPIs: Cultivate follows, increase impressions, promote shares

The role of a social media manager is easy to guess from the title, but which social networks they manage for a company depends on the industry and their expertise.

The main role of social media manager is establishing a posting schedule for the company's written and visual content. This person might also work with the content marketing specialist to develop a strategy for which content to post on which social network. The social media manager truly owns responsibility for social strategy and performance.

Content Marketing Specialist

Main KPIs: Increase the time spent on page, overall blog traffic and social channel subscribers

Content marketing specialists are the creators of all your assets. Commonly they manage the company's blogging calendar and come up with a content strategy that includes video, written and designed elements. These folks often collaborate with other departments to ensure the products and campaigns the business launches are supported with supporting promotional content on each channel.

Marketing Automation Coordinator

Main KPIs: Increase email open rate, campaign click-through rate and lead-generation (conversion) rate

The marketing automation coordinator manages the software that allows the company to understand their customers' behavior. All while measuring the growth of the business. These folks live and breathe analytics.

Does digital marketing work for everyone?
Digital marketing is an essential component for any business in any industry. Full stop.

Regardless of who you are or what your company sells, you need marketing.

Digital marketing is becoming a necessity as we move forward in a digital world. It still incorporates traditional methods such as building out buyer personas to identify your audience's needs, and creating valuable content but also moving it online. You know, that place with all the people?

How does B2B digital marketing work?

If your company is business-to-business (B2B), your digital marketing efforts are likely to be focused on lead generation, with the end goal being to convert those leads to sales or partnerships. Meaning that the marketing strategy is to attract and convert the highest quality leads for your salespeople via your website and supporting digital channels.

After optimizing your website, the focus of your time should be on business-focused channels like LinkedIn. The idea is to utilize your buyer persona and figure out where your targets spend their time online then be there with them.

Businessman outside corporate office smiling

How does B2C digital marketing work? 

If your company is business-to-consumer (B2C), it's likely that the goal of your digital marketing efforts is to attract people to your website and have them purchase products or services immediately.

If your business is primarily  B2C you're probably less likely to focus on ‘leads' in their traditional sense and more likely to focus on building an accelerated buyer's journey. Meaning from the moment someone lands on your page, you are funneling them to a sale.

This will often mean your product features need to be higher up in your content copy (marketing funnel) than maybe for a B2B business and you need to use strong and multiple calls-to-action (CTAs) throughout your website.

For B2C companies, channels like Tik Tok, Instagram and Pinterest can often be more valuable than business-focused platforms like LinkedIn.


Fanned out cell phones with client Instagram grids shown

Whether you are a startup B2B or established B2C business Clement Consulting can help you navigate the complex world of digital marketing!

Give us a call today and let’s make a little marketing magic.

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