Special Events Jeanette Clement Special Events Jeanette Clement

Selling Out An Event

Ensuring an event’s success is essential, given the time and resources that go into planning and execution. Fortunately, we have some stellar tips for ensuring your hard work isn’t wasted!

Driving event ticket sales requires looking beyond traditional advertising streams. In our ever more competitive world, capturing your audience’s attention isn’t enough - you have to offer value beyond their expectations.

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Small Business Jeanette Clement Small Business Jeanette Clement

How is Your Customer Experience?

If you’re in business, it should be a no-brainer that good customer service is a priority. It's how you build that loyal customer following!

Knowing that it should be a priority, and knowing how to make it a priority, are two different beasts.

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Special events Michelle Cortese Special events Michelle Cortese

Combating Virtual Fatigue

The rise of virtual and hybrid events first started out of necessity. There is a downside to virtual events, though.

Virtual fatigue is real. At the end of a long day of online meetings, courses, or events, you may feel drained more than if you had attended the same event in person.

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Special Events Jeanette Clement Special Events Jeanette Clement

What is Event Marketing?

So you have an amazing event idea for your organization, super cool. Now how are you going to actually get folks there? Ever heard of event marketing?

That’s where event marketing comes in and at Clement Consulting we got you!

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