Selling Out An Event

Event planning isn't for the faint of heart!

Ensuring an event’s success is essential, given the time and resources that go into planning and execution.

Fortunately, we have some stellar tips for ensuring your hard work isn’t wasted!


Driving event ticket sales requires looking beyond traditional advertising streams. In our ever more competitive world, capturing your audience’s attention isn’t enough - you have to offer value beyond their expectations. 

One of the simple but incredibly effective ways to boost event attendance is to reward the previous year’s attendees. Those who experienced the magic of the prior year’s event will appreciate even a modest discount on future events. 

Offering early bird discounts drives excitement and interest early in your promotional period. Limiting the number of discounted tickets creates a sense of urgency and encourages people to jump on board sooner rather than later. 

Social media can drive an event’s success without breaking the bank.

Be consistent in your posting. Increasing frequency as the event draws near is a sound strategy. And don’t forget your branding! Your posts should be different enough to not be monotonous, but well branded enough to be instantly recognizable as promoting your event. 


Shelling out a bit of dough for paid social media ads can result in an excellent ROI.

A call to action leading to a landing page with easy event sign-up is vital. With the pay-per-click (PPC) pricing model, you’ll only pay for the exposures that result in a button click. Be sure your landing page dazzles with info and compels visitors to sign up on the spot!

Event sponsors are essential assets when promoting your event. Provide value to your sponsors. Promote them in your advertising. Tag them in posts. 

In turn, ask them to share posts. You can even provide them with copy or graphics that can be easily plugged into their own social media, email newsletter, or websites. Do the heavy lifting for them! Leverage their audience to boost attendance. 


Whether you have motivational speakers pumping up attendees, the brightest minds in your field discussing the future of your industry, or local leaders focused on community building, your speakers set the tone for your event. And ask them to write a blog as a guest contributor. They can hype themselves and your event all in one go.

Most event attendees seek out events with valuable content from start to finish. But let’s be real - we all can get overloaded with info and want a break. No matter the location of your event, promoting fun things to do in the area entices people to jump at the chance to learn AND have fun exploring a new city. Does the area have a strong culinary tradition? What about picturesque hiking trails within a short drive? Maybe your attendees would be interested in local historical sites. Wherever you are, there is something special about your location that can be leveraged to drive ticket sales. 

Ready to dive in and start planning your next event?

We've got you! Schedule an introductory call - we’d love to chat!



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