Press Releases Spread the Good News

Press releases seem almost like a quaint idea in the age of the non-stop news cycle consumed in shorter and shorter periods.


But press releases aren’t dead!

We need to tweak our approach and ideas about a powerful, effective press release.

Gone are the days of trying to grab an editor’s attention and having your release spread like wildfire through traditional journalism outlets (think newspapers). And while print media hasn’t completely gone the way of the dinosaurs, the internet has vastly expanded the places where your target audience gets their news.


These days, a dazzling press release has several things going for it:

It’s news. Yes, that’s oversimplified. A good press release announces important info that appeals to a broad audience.

It’s adaptive. The message is crafted to suit multiple formats. Maybe the headline makes a great tweet. And for goodness sake, think about your SEO and use those keywords!

It’s succinct. Put your most important info first - think about the 5 Ws (who, what, when, where, and why). Use bullet points where appropriate.

It’s directive. Ensure you include info that directs your reader to the right point of contact if they’d like more information!


There are many good reasons why you should still rely on the trusty ol’ press release.

Maybe you hired a hot new CEO/creative director/designer/dog walker. Whoever they are, a press release is a great way to announce the addition of an important person to your organization!

Did you win an outstanding award? Make sure your target audience knows that you’ve been recognized for excellence!!

Do you have an exciting new product or maybe a fantastic upcoming event? Generate a buzz by making sure your audience is in the know!

Want help crafting the perfect press release to announce your awesomeness to the world?

DM us or shoot us an email at We’d love to help!



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