Keeping Up with the Times? Marketing to Gen Z


If you’re anything like me, time flies. 

You know that feeling when you hear a song you love from the past and think, “Man, I loved this song ten years ago!” and then realize the early ’00s are not, in fact, ten years ago anymore?

Yeah, me too. #ElderMillenialProblems.

As business owners, keeping up with the times goes way beyond music or fashion trends.

We also must keep up with our customers - including younger generations reaching adulthood.

digital marketing team working on analyzing genz spending habits

Gen Z: The New Generation of Consumers

Gen Z has come of age!

The youngest of the Gen Z cohort will turn 21 this year. They’re aging out of relying on their parents to make consumer decisions and looking at things like careers, housing, and other plans. 

marketer working on marketing plan at office desk

That’s right - Gen Z is now adulting with the rest of us.

Generational differences are not universal, but people born and raised in the same period experience a specific set of world events, technological changes, and cultural phenomena.

A savvy business owner knows these differences and can target their ideal customers within these broader groups. Especially when it comes to marketing.


Understanding Gen Z’s Spending Habits

Knowing how Gen Z spends money is critical to marketing to them. They’ve grown up with access to smartphones and tablets that hold a literal world of knowledge and entertainment. They are more likely to buy things online and depend on technology to help solve problems.

Businesses with a robust online presence and easy access to purchase products online have a significant leg up when trying to attract Gen Z dollars.


Gen Z isn't messing around when it comes to spending money.

They grew up during the economic downturn, and many watched their parents adjust household budgets to accommodate rising prices in the face of stagnant wages.

Because of this, Gen Z tends to be more cautious about frivolous spending.

marketing team working together on a project

Demonstrating value is crucial to attracting Gen Z buyers.

And you’d better do it quickly - they’re less likely to spend much time looking at your ad or other promotional materials than generations before them. A hard-hitting, concise marketing strategy will be worth the effort. We promise!



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We specialize in just that!

Give us a call or shoot us a DM, we got you! 

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